
Facts About Glocks

Whether you are a fan of the Glock pistols or just interested in their history, there are some fun facts that you can learn and use to wow your fellow gun enthusiast friends. Here are the most interesting facts about this brand. 

Gaston Glock

Gaston Glock founded this brand in Austria in 1963, and the original facility where he produced Glock 17s still stands. Since then, he has opened three other plants, one in Austria, Slovakia, and the USA. Although this company has greatly expanded since the 1960s, Gaston Glock is still directly involved today. 

USA Production

You can find the first and only Glock factory to open in the USA in Smyrna, Georgia, where Glock started it in 1986. While the Smyrna factory opened in the 1980s, it did not start producing pistols until 2013. You can identify any pistols produced at this site because they will be stamped with the outline of Georgia and the USA. 

Glock 42

This model is their only pistol that has been completely manufactured in the USA at the Smyrna factory. Additionally, it is the only single-stack pistol this company produces to date. 

Other Pistols

The original Glock edition was named based on …

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