5 Steps to Help Determine If Being a Mechanic Is Right for You

5 Steps to Help Determine If Being a Mechanic Is Right for You

Have you ever thought about becoming a mechanic, but aren’t sure if it’s right for you? Here are five easy steps you can take to make sure that an exciting career as an automotive mechanic (also known as an Automotive Technician) is right for you.

STEP 1 – Decide what your lifestyle needs will be

Firstly, think about the kind of lifestyle you’re looking for. How much money do you need to pay for the kind of expenses you can expect to have? The word “expect” here is very important: since you’re looking at a career move, you can’t base your decision on your current financial commitments. Instead, look at your future expected needs. Fortunately, most auto mechanics make between $45,000 and $70,000 a year in Toronto, which is above the Canadian average.

STEP 2 – Talk to other mechanics

If you have a friend (or a friend …

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Portrait of a Taxi Company

Portrait of a Taxi Company

Taxi companies are part of small and large communities. They can be as small as one or two cars or big enough to have their own fleet with support staff including a mechanic with automotive technician training. Usually they are controlled by local laws that can effect both driver and vehicle, and what sort of profit can be made.

Laws and Regulations

Some cities regulate the look of their taxis, perhaps requiring a particular style of vehicle, while others are content to simply post a sign on the top of the cab. Some municipalities require special exams for the drivers and limit the pool of available taxi licences, while others permit anyone who can demonstrate that level of driving ability to take on the job. For the safety of passengers as well as a cap on competition, there’s usually some sort of fare control.

Inside the Cab

A …

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